Can you dye synthetic hair is a common question with many newbie hair resellers. If you want to get trendy hair color without damaging to the original hair, we will indicate you whether or not can you dye synthetic hair.

Can you dye synthetic hair with detailed guideline
Can you dye synthetic hair: Overview of synthetic hair
Before getting to know can you dye synthetic hair, you need to capture basic knowledge of synthetic hair as well as its features. Keep reading the following.
Can you dye synthetic hair: Definition of synthetic hair
Synthetic hair is commonly composed of polyester, acrylic, or polyvinyl, a high-quality plastic. All of these fibers have been developed to provide the synthetic wig with the most realistic appearance possible; they are all of the highest quality. The fact that synthetic hair is less expensive than a human hair is no secret.

Can you dye synthetic hair: Definition of synthetic hair
In order to make synthetic wigs appear more natural, they utilize monofilament yarn or a combination of monofilament yarn and other fibers such as acrylic, polyfilament or polyester. Synthetic fibers are used in the production of wigs and extensions because they are more affordable than those created from human hair.
Can you dye synthetic hair: Characteristics of synthetic hair
The features of synthetic hair can have a big impact on whether or not can you dye synthetic hair. The information in the following will let you know.
- To put it simply, synthetic hair is a man-made version of human hair. With millions of high-quality threads woven together to form a man-made fiber, synthetic hair is the easiest to tell apart from real human hair by its distinctive appearance. These synthetic fibers are made from a variety of plastics, including polyester, acrylic, and polyvinyl, and are designed to resemble human hair in appearance. Because of this, synthetic hair that is of a high quality always has a healthy and glowing appearance, which can be mistaken for human hair at first glance.

Can you dye synthetic hair: Characteristics of synthetic hair
- One or more strands of single-stranded, monofilament yarn or a combination of two or three single-stranded acrylic, polyfilament, or polyester fibers are used to create synthetic hair that has an authentic appearance. It is cheaper to make wigs and extensions from synthetic fibers than it is to use human hair.
- Unlike natural hair, synthetic hair doesn’t need to be styled in order to appear its best. Women’s fashion demands are met by synthetic hair, which is created from high-quality yarn and offered in a variety of hues and lengths. Some synthetic hair manufacturers use a blend of synthetic and human hair to make the most realistic-looking hair.
The definition and characteristics are all listed thoroughly above. Therefore, you can also answer the question of how to distinguish synthetic hair and human hair. Now let’s get to the main point of the article: Can you dye synthetic hair?
Can you dye synthetic hair
Dyeing synthetic hair is not generally recommended. It’s seen as a waste of money because it’s so cheap and comes in a range of hues.
- If, on the other hand, you have your heart set on getting extensions that match your natural hair color, it is possible! Synthetic hair is difficult to colour, but not impossible, due to its processed strands.
- Synthetic hair, unlike human hair, lacks natural colours, making it unable to be dyed. Hair dye at home might be harder without a supporter. Then, finding the one who can support you when dyeing is important.

Can you dye synthetic hair
Because hair color contains substances like ammonia and bleach, it has the potential to damage or even destroy synthetic hair. So, what do you have? You can use acrylic ink or Rit dye or Sharpie ink or fabric dye. Alternatively, you can use fabric dye.
Can you dye synthetic hair: Guide on how to dye
You can tint your synthetic hair in a variety of ways. It’s a good idea to wash the synthetic hair before you begin the dyeing process to eliminate any dirt, sweat or styling products. For this, a gentle shampoo is recommended. Wait for it to dry completely before continuing.
Can you dye synthetic hair with fabric dye
In preparation part, you will have to get ready with these things below:
- Synthetic hair that is resistant to heat
- Fabric dye in a single bottle (for polyester and synthetic materials)
- Pots and pans of various sizes
- Stove
- Water
- Newspapers/cover

Can you dye synthetic hair with fabric dye
Steps to do:
- Put on old clothes or use an apron to protect your clothing from being damaged. Protect your work surface by covering it with newspaper or any other material. Put on the gloves provided.
- Ensure that your synthetic hair will fit into the pot by adding water to the large saucepan and bringing it to a rolling boil. You should add 3 tablespoons of fabric dye for every cup of water that is added.
- To add the dye, bring the water to a boil, then lower the temperature to simmer.
- Before adding the hair to the dye pot, dampen it to make it simpler to work with.
- Fill the saucepan halfway with the synthetic hair. The darker it becomes, the longer you leave it. Anywhere from seconds up to minutes can be required to do this.
- The hair should be rinsed with cold water to remove any remaining residue.
- Place or hang it to dry in the open air. Using a wig stand makes it easy to dye your wig.
Can you dye synthetic hair with acrylic ink
You’ll have to use:
- Acrylic ink
- Spray bottle
- Comb
- Water
- Disposable gloves
- Newspapers/ covers

Can you dye synthetic hair with acrylic ink
Steps to dye synthetic hair:
- To make the color lighter, apply extra rubbing alcohol to the spray bottle after adding the acrylic ink. You can use about 3 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol to 14 teaspoons of the acrylic ink.
- You should put on the gloves to keep your hands clean, and cover your work surface with the newspaper to keep it safe.
- Spray the synthetic hair with the colour mixture. Get in there with your hands and lift parts to make sure you don’t miss anything.
- Using a dye, comb through the hair to ensure that the color is evenly distributed.
- Hang or place it in the open air to dry.
- As soon as the water is clear, rinse with cold water until it is dry.
- Allow it to air dry one more time.
Can you dye synthetic hair with rit dye
You need to prepare:
- Liquid Rit dye or powdered Rit dye
- Hot water
- Sponge
- Large bowl
- Disposable gloves
- Newspaper/cover
- Cup
Guidelines on can you dye synthetic hair with rit dye:
- Cover your work surface with newspaper and put on disposable gloves.
- Pour 1 cup of liquid Rit dye into the big dish. Alternatively, dissolve 1 teaspoon of powdered Rit dye into 1/2 cup of hot water (140 degrees Fahrenheit) (140 degrees Fahrenheit). You can use the stove and a pan to do this if your tap water does not reach this temperature.
- Dip the sponge into the dye and wring off any excess.
- Using the sponge, apply the dye to the synthetic hair in stroking strokes, working from the scalp down the shaft.
- Leave this to work for roughly 20 minutes.
- Rinse the hair in cold running water until the water runs clean.
- Leave the hair to air-dry naturally.
Be mindful that natural fibers are more permeable to rit colour, but they can work on synthetic hair. It depends on the fiber content and how they were handled.
Can you dye synthetic hair: Tips to protect synthetic hair
After dying synthetic hair, you need to know how to take care of synthetic hair to make use of synthetic hair as long as possible.
- Hair care after bleaching is very important if you want your hair strong and thick. After bleaching, refrain from using heat styling equipment for a few hours. This has the potential to harm synthetic hair strands.
- The synthetic wig should be washed on a regular basis. To reduce dirt accumulation on your synthetic wig, use a shampoo that is designed specifically for synthetic wigs.
- Hot water should not be used on synthetic wigs. Always wash them in cold or room temperature water to avoid bacterial growth.

Can you dye synthetic hair: Tips to protect synthetic hair
- To untangle the strands, use a wig brush; do not comb damp hair while it is wet.
- Always allow the synthetic wig to air dry. It is best not to use a hair dryer.
- To keep your synthetic wigs looking their best, use conditioning sprays designed specifically for synthetic wigs.
Hopefully, the information in this article will help you know a little bit more about can you dye synthetic hair. If you are thinking about choosing business partners in the hair industry, ensuring profits and reputation for your business. You can contact Queen Hair to know more free consultants.