When it comes to hair extensions, many people will feel extremely familiar with Vietnamese hair extensions, Cambodian hair extensions or Chinese hair extensions and Russian hair extensions which seem quite new to many people. However, Russian hair extensions are not new and are even the most popular in the world. Let’s find out the attraction of Russian hair extensions to hair lovers


Russian hair extensions – The secret to a beautiful hair

Overview of the worldwide hair extensions industry

Hair extensions seem to be becoming a common beauty trend for women around the world. So how does the world hair extension industry affect Russian hair extensions?

The hair extension industry can be said to be a money-making profession at the present time when all over the world, from nooks and crannies to major streets in most countries, there is a trend of hair extensions, which has created many advantages for Russian hair extensions. In many countries around the world, the hair extension industry has reached billions of dollars. Take Japan as an example, the hair extension industry is really booming and is expected to reach an estimated $5.2 billion in the period 2025-2030. In the US, according to the forecast of Great Lengths – an Italian company specializing in supplying hair to the US, the US retail hair extension market could reach 250 million USD per year, equivalent to about 3% of the market for American hair care productions. In Europe, the number is also huge. This trend creates golden conditions for Russian hair extensions, because black hair extensions are abundant in China and India, but blonde hair like Russian hair extensions and hair of other colors are more valuable. Partly because the supply of Russian hair extensions is scarcer; on the other hand, these are easy to dye hair types to match any other natural hair color of women around the world. It is these conditions that have created a huge advantage for Russian hair extensions in the international market


Overview of the worldwide hair extensions industry

Definition and origin of Russian hair extensions 

To understand Russian hair extensions, why it is so attractive to women, first, we need to understand what Russian hair extensions are and where they come from.

Russian hair extensions are 100% real hair of Russian women aged 18-35, who are considered to inherit the standard beauty of the world such as: white skin, blue eyes and blond hair. These features have made Russian hair extensions considered the most beautiful in the world and every girl wants to own Russian hair extensions to upgrade the beauty of her hair. Not only that, with good climatic and environmental conditions that have created ideal conditions for Russian hair extensions to become more attractive and valuable than ever, they are likened to “gold on the head” in Russia and In the world


Definition of Russian hair extensions

Regarding the origin of Russian hair extensions, they are also supplied from two main sources: hair is directly cut from Russian donors, this supply accounts for about 30%, the rest comes mostly from hair that has been cut, accumulated. stocked in Russian tradition or hair cut from hair salons. However, the origin of Russian hair extensions is not too complicated like that of Chinese hair extensions and Cambodian hair extensions, Russian hair extensions are still appreciated by everyone.


Origin of Russian hair extensions

Some features you should know about Russian hair extensions

The beauty of Russian hair extensions is something everyone recognizes, but what do you already know about the features that Russian hair extensions possess? Let’s find out with us in this part below

Texture of Russian hair extensions 

Russian hair extensions have the greatest texture in the world, and this is not hyperbole. Based on one of the most attractive strains in the world, a calm, chilly climate, and a clean environment, Russian hair extensions have a lovely texture and are also very intelligible. The Russian hair extensions have the usual golden hue of attractive Russian women and are silky, smooth, and elastic in texture. Hair aficionados adore this texture. Due to Russia’s very cold climate, Russian women’s hair tends to be a little thin, but this will make it easier for them to stay warm. It is this texture that determines the quality and price of Russian hair extensions, making Russian hair extensions more expensive than any other hair extensions in the world and warmly welcomed everywhere. All in all, the texture of Russian hair extensions is still deserving of being ranked at the top of the texture group of the most beautiful hair in the world and inspiring awe in tens of thousands of people.


Texture of Russian hair extensions 

Quality of Russian hair extensions 

Given that Russian hair extensions have always had a very nice texture, there isn’t much use in arguing about its high quality. Since Russian hair extensions do not distinguish between kinds like Remy hair or non-remy hair like Chinese hair or Indian hair, it may be said to have a very high ratio of virgin hair. Russian hair extensions seldom go through intricate chemical processes to make it appealing and fool buyers, so it nearly entirely retains its positive characteristics and natural protective layers of hair. Customers may freely style Russian hair extensions as a result without having to be concerned about hair damage or shedding. Russian hair extensions are available blonde and lustrous, which is enough to be appealing compared to any artificial colors in the world, therefore Russian hair extensions lovers don’t have to go through the process of bleaching and harmful dying to produce brilliant hues. Because of this, Russian hair extensions often last 1.5 to 2 years longer than other hair kinds on the market. Such good features are favorable conditions for Russian hair extensions. If customers want to restyle different hair models: wavy, hippe, dyed, bleached,… then Russian hair extensions can still maintain their stable quality, not excessively damaged or tangled and reduced in service life 


Quality of Russian hair extensions 

Price of Russian hair extensions 

Based on the outstanding features from texture to quality of Russian hair extensions, perhaps it is not surprising to know that Russian hair extensions are sold at exorbitant prices because of their scarcity and excellent quality. In the US, the price of Russian hair extensions is priced at $439, which is a huge amount for hair products, not to mention, the price of Russian hair extensions depends on different salons. For luxury salons, this number is much higher, far exceeding $500 for Russian hair extensions. Therefore, if customers want to own Russian hair extensions, they need to spend a huge amount of money


Price of Russian hair extensions 

Kinds of popular Russian hair extensions all over the world 

Russian hair extensions also aim to diversify products so that buyers have more choices and are more suitable for their needs.

Weft Russian hair extensions

Weft Russian hair extensions are mechanically processed and made into 100g-weight bundles. Weft Russian hair extensions come in straight, curly, wavy, coil, and other curly varieties to meet different consumer preferences. Additionally, weft Russian hair extensions come in a wide range of hues, but they can be easily distinguished from European hues since African preferences tend to favor golden, red, strong, or ombre hues, but I like European hues to be polite and much simpler.


Weft Russian hair extensions

Bulk Russian hair extensions

The most basic hair varieties are bulk Russian hair extensions, which are cut, combed, separated into 100g-sized bundles, washed, and shipped. For white individuals who want blonde hair, bulk Russian hair extensions are appropriate. Coarse hair may be bleached to white or it can be bleached and coloured to the customer’s desired colors.


Bulk Russian hair extensions 

Tip Russian hair extensions 

Tip Russian hair extensions are a type of hair extension for European clients who currently have long hair but wish to make it longer or thicker.

Tip Russian hair extensions are separated into tiny hair pins weighing 1.5 to 2 grams that are bonded on one end (there are several types of glue heads into flat forms, I-shaped, V-shaped, and U-shaped (nail-shaped)… by the design, equipment, and habits of salon employees.

To ensure that the customer’s use, the hair is still intact, sticks tight and won’t come off during shampooing, the principle of using Russian hair extensions tip is to use heat to melt the glue and stick it to the existing hair roots. If you want to remove this glue, do not use water but must use a different solution.


Tip Russian hair extensions 

Tape Russian hair extensions

When applied by the salon, tape Russian hair extensions are a form of hair that is thinly disseminated on a tape that has been properly manufactured.

Because it uses no heat and is easy to use, this method has several benefits over the Russian hair extensions tip, which is why it is progressively replacing the latter.


Tape Russian hair extensions

Which hair styles can be made with Russian hair extensions?

Russian hair extensions have extremely high applicability and create many different hairstyles that captivate girls, let’s explore those hairstyles.

Curly hairstyle from Russian hair extensions

If you are a fan of hair beauty, surely you are not unfamiliar with the legendary curly hairstyle that any girl loves. With extremely good hair characteristics and quality, Russian hair extensions are extremely confident to help you have a satisfactory curly hair, from gentle wavy to personable hippie. With Russian hair extensions, you will definitely have an attractive curly hair


Curly hairstyle from Russian hair extensions

Straight hairstyle from Russian hair extensions

If I had to choose one of the most attractive hairstyles of all time for women, it would be straight hair. Russian hair extensions make your straight hair thicker, smoother and more attractive by the seductive blonde color. Straight hair from Russian hair extensions is also appreciated because it is easy to care for and maintain. Sometimes you don’t need a comb for straight hair, you just need to stroke it with your hand and you’re ready to go


Straight hairstyle from Russian hair extensions

Dying Russian hair extensions with vibrant colors 

If you are afraid of too many people using Russian hair extensions and having the same blonde color as you, then rest assured that you have many other options. You can dye Russian hair extensions with other eye-catching and trendy colors today such as smoky blue, smoky purple,… Russian hair extensions will be easy for you to dye because its background color is very bright and easy to stick to.


Dying Russian hair extensions with vibrant colors 

Where customers can buy Russian hair extensions? 

It might be challenging to locate Russian hair products that are high-quality and reasonably priced due to the market’s size and variety. For a better selection, let’s look at 3 reliable Russian hair extension suppliers below.

Ruby Hair – The reliable supplier for Russian hair extensions

Because Ruby Hair offers a wide selection of hair designs from across the world, including Russian hair extensions in a wide range of styles and colors, it is recognized as one of the most prominent hair enterprises in Vietnam. Ruby Hair is the best option if you’re unsure of where to acquire Russian hair extensions.


Ruby Hair – The reliable supplier for Russian hair extensions

K- Hair – The leading supplier for Russian hair extensions

K-Hair is consistently the best option for whatever hair product you require because it is a top hair brand. K-Hair, a company with expertise and devotion, offers the market a huge selection of high-quality hair goods, particularly Russian hair extensions, which are well-liked and popular with clients. So don’t be reluctant to visit K-hair if you’re searching for top-notch Russian hair extensions.


K- Hair – The leading supplier for Russian hair extensions

Queen Hair – The constant supplier for Russian hair extensions

With hundreds of unique items, including tip, tape, virgin, and remy hair as well as different styles and colors, 5S Hair, one of the most prosperous hair enterprises in Vietnam, gives you Russian hair extensions products with assurance. greatest value for the money while maintaining quality. Since consumers’ trust in 5S is steadily confirming its position, 5S is the best place to buy Russian hair extensions.


Queen Hair – The constant supplier for Russian hair extensions

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