Shipping policy has been pointed out to protect customer’s products during transit. We will pack the goods in the safest way, choose a safe and economical delivery agent for our customers. If there is any problem with the product, we will assist you deal with it in the most effective way.
Queen Hair’s commit
Queen Hair guarantees that your order will be delivered in a safe and timely manner. We shall take full responsibility if the products are damaged or lost.
Shipping agent
. Queen Hair makes contact with many trustworthy agencies in Nigeria like Gabriel, Alice,…to send items from Vietnam to Nigeria. We also work with shipping companies, such as UPS, DHL, and Fedex. We will constantly make every effort to guarantee that clients receive their orders as soon as possible.
Shipping time
The package will be delivered in 7-10 business days on average. Please be aware that during the Covid epidemic, unexpected shipment delays may occur, resulting in a longer shipping time.
If you need any support about our shipping policy, contact Queen Hair’s hotline now: 84 844 444 829