Are you looking for a human hair factory in Lagos? Are you wondering: Are there any human hair factory in Lagos? Here is our full answer for you from hair expert of Queen Hair – a hair factory in Vietnam specializing in exporting to serve the Nigerian market.
The truth about human hair factory in Lagos
So are there any human hair factory in Lagos? The answer is NO, there are not any human hair factory in Lagos. The truth is that all human hair from Lagos is imported from other countries such as Vietnam, India and China. And when the hair arrived in Lagos, these vendors reproduced it and labeled themselves as “human hair factory in Lagos”.

The truth about human hair factory in Lagos
Click here to contact our hair experts: +84 83 333 3942
- Because Lagos or even Nigeria is not a raw material country. Because Lagosian or Nigerian natural hair is thin, coarse and short so there is not enough supply to produce hair extensions. This means that these vendors can not collect the hair directly from the women in the country, instead they have to import hair from abroad.
- Most of the time, human hair factory in Lagos import hair from Asian hair vendors such as Vietnam like Queen Hair – a hair factory in Vietnam specializing in exporting to serve the Nigerian market, China and India. So Lagosian hair is actually Asian hair.
The characteristic of human hair factory in Lagos
If you do not know what it is like to purchase from a human hair factory in Lagos, then keep on reading this article. Down below, we will analyze the features of the human hair factory in Lagos based on three criteria: prices, quality and diversity.
The prices from human hair factory in Lagos
The cost of hair extensions from human hair factory in Lagos is often higher than that of Asian nations. On the other hand, the price from the human hair factory in Lagos is still less than it is in America or Europe.

The prices from human hair factory in Lagos
- Human hair factory in Lagos must import hair from nations like Vietnam, India, and China since they lack the necessary raw materials to make hair extensions locally. Since there are extra costs like shipping, operating costs, taxes, etc, the price would be a bit more since all human hair factory in Lagos are retailers.
- Human hair factory in Lagos pay a cheaper delivery charge than those in America or Europe since the distance between those two continents is not great, which results in a lower pricing than many other overseas vendors.
- Lagos has low labor , manufacturing, and warehousing costs, which lowers the overall fee.

Prices from human hair factory in Lagos
Click here to contact our hair experts: +84 83 333 3942
The price of human hair vendors in Lagos will often remain higher than in the nations that provide the raw materials. Therefore, if you own a hair salon and are selecting a supplier to import hair, you should unquestionably import straight from the hair manufacturer located in the area that supplies the raw materials, such as Vietnam, India, or China. You will make more profit since this will be considerably more cost-effective.
Queen Hair – a hair factory in Vietnam specializing in exporting to serve the Nigerian market has its own hair factory in Vietnam – a raw material country. Because Queen Hair gets hair directly from local women, the cost of hair is very low. To ensure that the hair is of the highest quality, the donors follow a rigorous, healthy, balanced diet. For a further discount, get in touch with Queen Hair right away if you’re seeking a dependable hair manufacturer!
The quality of human hair factory in Lagos
The quality standard of the human hair factory in Lagos would depend on the quality of the hair supply. As a result, the quality of the hair sold by hair merchants in Lagos will not be stable.

The quality of human hair factory in Lagos
- Because hair is imported from so many different places, it is quite challenging to guarantee that the hair is always of the highest quality. The hair will be of exceptional quality if it is imported from Vietnam. There won’t be a constant level of quality if the hair comes from India. Additionally, if it comes from China, the quality will be subpar since China also imports hair from other nations. Additionally, Chinese hair factories in Lagos add silicon layers to the hair to give it a smooth, shining appearance, but after two or three uses, this makes the hair prone to tangling.
- Due to the poor track record of many human hair factory in Lagos, many of the time, these vendors will received low quality hair. The hair that is provided to the clients will thus be affected in some manner.
- Before making a purchase from a human hair factory in Lagos, you should always request videos, images, and information about the hair’s origin to ensure that you will have the greatest possible hair quality. This would be the greatest option for you to help with the purchase of good quality hair since human hair factory in Lagos import hair from too many sources.

Human hair factory in Lagos
Click here to contact our hair experts: +84 83 333 3942
To sum up, since they are not the direct hair factory themselves, the quality of the hair from the human hair factory in Lagos relies on where they import the hair from. We strongly advise you to import directly from vendors headquartered in the countries that provide the raw materials, such as Vietnam and India, if you operate a hair company and are searching for a vendor to import the hair. This will help you purchase high-quality hair and ensure a steady supply.
Human hair factory in Lagos provides a variety of hairstyles
The variety of hairstyles offered by the human hair factory in Lagos is enormous. These are the explanations behind it.

Human hair factory in Lagos provides a variety of hairstyles
Click here to contact our hair experts: +84 83 333 3942
- The first factor is that human hair factory in Lagos import hair extensions from a variety of suppliers, giving them a large array of styles. To suit the expectations of their clients, they also import a variety of hairstyles.
- The second reason is that human hair vendors in Lagos have a lot of expertise in the hair business. Since human hair factory in Lagos have the greatest industry knowledge and a long history in the industry, they are well-versed in the styles and colors that consumers want.
In conclusion, human hair factory in Lagos charge exorbitant prices for hair, which is of variable quality. Though they provide a wide range of products, keep in mind that since their hair source is imported from other nations, the supply is not always accessible.
We advise you to think twice if you want to buy hair from a human hair factory in Lagos. The cost would be much higher since the hair manufacturers in Lagos are not located near the source of the raw materials.
Top 5 trustworthy human hair factory in Lagos
Here is a list for you if you own a hair business and are wanting to import your hair from a reputable shuman hair factory in Lagos. These are the top 5 most dependable human hair factory in Lagos.
Queen Hair Factory: Top 1 human hair factory in Lagos
One of the top human hair factory in Lagos is Queen Hair Factory. Queen Hair – a hair factory in Vietnam specializing in exporting to serve the Nigerian market has more than 20 years of expertise in the hair industry and has collaborated with several major international hair brands. Queen Hair is headquartered in the raw material region of Vietnam and operates its own hair factory, ensuring a constant supply.

Queen Hair Factory: Top 1 human hair factory in Lagos
Click here to contact our hair experts: +84 83 333 3942
- Queen Hair prices are extremely affordable. Queen Hair is headquartered in the areas that generate the raw materials and makes the hair on a huge manufacturing scale to keep the cost to a minimum.
- Queen Hair has high quality human hair. The hair is always guaranteed to be of the greatest quality since Queen Hair obtains it from healthy ladies who eat a balanced diet and frequently wash their hair with herbs.
- Queen Hair has a wide variety of hairstyles. Queen Hair is well-versed in the styles and colors that the market requires because of its extensive expertise in the hair business. This is the reason why Queen Hair is among the best human hair brands in Nigeria.

Top 1 human hair factory in Lagos
- Website: Queen Hair
- Whatsapp: (84)8444444829
- Email:
K-Hair Factory: Top 2 human hair factory in Lagos
The top two human hair factory in Lagos is K-Hair. K-Hair was founded in the 1990s, thus they have a lot of expertise in the hair industry. You may select from a variety of hairstyles at this human hair factory in Lagos.

K-Hair Factory: Top 2 human hair factory in Lagos
- Main product: Weft hair
- Shipping: DHL, FedEx, UPS
Click here to contact our hair experts: +84 83 333 3942
5S Factory: Top 3 human hair factory in Lagos
One of the most well-known human hair factory in Lagos is 5S Factory. The business is highly renowned for both its extensive selection of haircuts and its excellent customer service.

5S Factory: Top 3 human hair factory in Lagos
- Main product: Weft hair
- Shipping: DHL, FedEx, UPS
Myextensionz: Top 4 human hair factory in Lagos
One of the most well-known human hair factory in Lagos is Myextensionz. You may visit their shop to test on their extensions before buying.

Myextensionz: Top 4 human hair factory in Lagos
- Main service: hair bundles, wigs, weft hair
- Shipping: DHL, FedEx, UPS
This is one of the best wholesale human hair distributors in Nigeria you should reach out.
Xi Hair Clinic: Top 5 human hair factory in Lagos
According to our understanding, Xi Hair Clinic is among the top 5 human hair factory in Lagos. You should go to their shop and examine the quality for yourself as this human hair factory in Lagos also operates a hair salon.

Xi Hair Clinic: Top 5 human hair factory in Lagos
Click here to contact our hair experts: +84 83 333 3942
We hope that our article on the top 5 human hair factory in Lagos will assist you in locating a reliable source of hair imports for your company. If you have any further information, please contact Queen Hair – a hair factory in Vietnam specializing in exporting to serve the Nigerian market.