The hair market can be said to be the most diverse market in today’s products, with a variety of materials and designs from all over the world. 1a hair, also known as Bone Straight Natural Hair is also one of those diverse hair types, like the 3a, 3b 4c, 5b hair types previously studied, 1a hair also has extremely interesting characteristics.
Let’s learn about 1a hair in this article in order to have the best choice for women
Comprehensive information about type 1 hair
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As we all know, 1a hair is also a type of hair in type 1 hair, so 1a hair must also inherit many of the characteristics of this hair type. Let’s learn about type 1 hair in the section below
The queerness of the variety of hair types and thus the lighter thickness of type 1 hair may be utilized to distinguish it. If you possess type 1 hair, especially 1a hair, you’ve actually realized that it’s finer and more challenging to twist. Hair of type 1 loses wavy texture. The afferent pathway can be broad, wide, or tiny, but all of them fall straight from either the base to the hair’s tip.
Since type 1 hair seems to have a propensity to get greasy, many hairdressers advise reading the package to ensure that the item you’re buying won’t make your hair oilier. Hair spray is great for persons having flat, greasy hair because cleaning type 1 or 1a hair too frequently might stimulate your head to ramp up production lipids.
As light and smooth to robust and billowy, type 1 hair can be found. The grease from your head can pass freely through the depths of your threads to maintain them nourished and strong, giving all flat types of hair that dazzling brilliance in contrast.
Despite the claim made by certain hair reviewers that there exists simply a few different types of fine hair, most people hold that there is a wide range of textured hair.
Our smooth shot, sometimes referred to as tresses, is type 1 hair. Type 1 hair has no spiral structure and is blondish hair. Generally speaking, tresses can develop more quickly and easily than that of other hair forms. This type of hair seems to have a propensity to be glossy and slippery. This will only be possible due to the obvious straight hair’s ability to let your head’s essential ingredients penetrate all the base to the roots.
What can we know from the definition of 1a hair?
1a hair is a type of hair that is no longer strange to many hair lovers, however, not everyone understands its definition, sometimes people even misunderstand about 1a hair. In today’s article, let’s learn more about this definition
Hair of type 1a is entirely straight. It is completely straight and plain as a needle, with no indication of a spiral shape or ripple. The slimness of type 1a hair seems to be another distinguishing quality. Because type 1a hair is so thin, it sweats or comes out very readily. This specific surface has the advantage of maintaining its luster with ease. Additionally, it maintains a dependably smooth feel in both rainfall and sunshine.
Contrary to naturally curly hair, type 1a hair will not really blow up after swimming or on a moist or rainy day. The drawback of having hair that is needle straight is that it could be quite challenging to manage in a different way. The delicate nature of the hair makes it challenging to keep exuberant or compact curling, or princess ripples since it lacks the density and suction needed. Excessive beauty products, especially ones that have a viscous texture or substances that can accumulate on base of the essential oils on your head, can very easily put a damper on type 1a hair.
The lightest, flattest, and most sensitive type of hair is 1a. It has a distinct gloss to 1a hair that helps it jump out. When 1a hair is plain, essential oils spread from the hair’s base to the hair’s tip more quickly, which results in the gloss.
How is 1a hair in appearance and features?
1a hair is the most popular and most chosen hairstyle of all hair types, so let’s find out the outstanding features that 1a hair has.
The oddest type of hair, 1a hair, is most common among girls of Asian heritage. Without the slightest slight bend or ripple from nature, it is entirely straight. Slimness and absence of density are further characteristics of this hair type. 1a hair has no body at all and is absolutely needle from beginning to end. This type of hair of 1a hair is also considerably more organically glossy than that of other types of hair and struggles to maintain curls.
The form of the hair cells seems to be another characteristic of 1a hair. Roughly speaking, your 1a hair will indeed be neater the further circular your shafts are. The shafts in the hair of women with wavy hair and creepy hair types are oval-shaped.
Since the lipids generated by your head may drift freely the whole course of your threads, hair with type 1a hair is frequently more glossy than hair with some other types.
The lipids have a significantly tougher difficulty moving along the twists, bends, and snug coils of hair with frizzy and curling qualities. It’s like getting your own exclusive everlasting hair smoothing procedure if you have 1a hair. You won’t need to do anything to your hair to prepare it for the morning if you want to keep it plain.
The fact that 1a hair is relatively immune to bounce is just one of its great attributes! Your hair seems to be more prone to bounce the more volume it has. Moreover, the moisture that causes turbulence is blocked by your essential oils.
Some famous hairstyles for 1a hair
1a hair is a type of hair that is easy to style, however, not many women know what hairstyle to wear to suit them. Let’s refer to the hairstyles for 1a hair below
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Natural shoulder length straight hair for 1a hair
Shoulder length hair for 1a hair is no longer a strange topic in the eyes of women. With the perfect length, neither too short nor too long. And if you are tired of shoulder length hairstyles, straightened hair for 1a hair will not let you down.
Shoulder-length straight for 1a hair creates a stronger, more mischievous but equally loving feeling. This hairstyle for 1a hair is extremely suitable for those who have gentle beauty but are still active. You can combine it with everyday outfits when going to school or work. That’s enough for you to stand out from the crowd
Straight back hair for 1a hair
One of the most beloved features of all time is straight, black, straight back hair for 1a hair that is neatly trimmed and simple. This hairstyle for 1a hair will never be outdated for those of you who pursue traditional beauty. Despite being so traditional, straight back hair is also very suitable for modern outfits.
This image of successful, vest-wearing women with straight back hair for 1a hair gives the viewer a feeling of maturity and trust. In short, this is a hairstyle that suits everyone and every home. Therefore, if you want to own this hairstyle for 1a hair, then boldly take care of it
Hair straightening curls for 1a hair
If you have flat or trimmed hair, curling the tail for 1a hair is always an effective solution to cover up boredom. The tail is slightly curled to create waves, making the face look lighter and more elegant. This hairstyle for 1a hair is suitable for many different face shapes. From elongated faces to chubby cheeks. On sunny summer days like this, combined with a fancy dress is confident enough to step out on the street.
Some reasons can damage 1a hair
1a hair can be considered as the easiest hair type to take care of, however, if not cared for properly, it is also very prone to tangles. Let’s take a look at the following symtoms of hair damage
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1a hair is easily submerged in water
Use a spray bottle to spray water on 1a hair to create a fine mist around your hair, then observe the water droplets on 1a hair
Healthy 1a hair: the drop of water will have a rounded shape and can easily roll out of 1a hair because the fatty acids in the hair interfere with the water wetting the hair. You can clearly see the water droplets do not seem to be absorbed.
Lightly damaged 1a hair: oval shaped water droplets.
Severely damaged 1a hair: water drops are almost completely absorbed into the hair shaft. The fatty acids no longer surround the hair fiber, making the hair absorb water very quickly.
The elasticity of 1a hair is significantly reduced
You can also test the wettability of 1a hair by plucking four strands of hair in different places: from the top of your head, from the back of your neck, and from the sides. Drop the strands of 1a hair in a basin of water. If the fibers float, they are quite healthy. Conversely, if they sink because of water, they are already damaged. After the wettability test, the second hair test is a hair pulling test that measures the elasticity of the hair strands.
To perform a hair pull test, partially moisten your hair. Pull out 1 strand of 1a hair and pull gently.
Strong 1a hair: you will lengthen about 1/2 of the original length of 1a hair and when you let go, it will return to its original shape.
Slightly damaged 1a hair: you stretch about 1/3 of the original length but when you let go, 1a hair becomes thin and curly.
Severely damaged 1a hair: you don’t seem to feel the hair has any elasticity and if you continue to pull, the hair will break.
1a hair becomes dry and frizzy very easy to feel
Checking for smoothness and porosity can determine the condition of 1a hair cuticles. You can easily check the smoothness of 1a hair by: Clip a section of hair between your index and middle fingers and slide the section of hair through your fingers from tip to tip.
Strong 1a hair: Hair easily passes this test because the hair cuticle is so strong, the smoothness makes it feel like the hair is drifting out of your 2 fingers
Lightly damaged 1a hair: you will feel a little dry and uneven
Severely damaged 1a hair: you feel your hair is very dry, frizzy and porous
Above are very interesting features about 1a hair, if you love hair types other than 1a hair, you can also refer to our website, such as Wavy Curly Natural Hair